Shake Shack: How They Are Growing Through Innovation and Strategic Precision
The AI revolution isn’t just coming – it’s already here, fundamentally reshaping how we approach marketing and business operations.
The AI revolution isn’t just coming – it’s already here, fundamentally reshaping how we approach marketing and business operations.
The AI revolution isn’t just coming – it’s already here, fundamentally reshaping how we approach marketing and business operations.
What does your marketing plan for Q2 2021 and beyond look like? Here are some top tactics, strategies and considerations you should consider.
When I tackle any marketing initiative, I base my strategy on the the 3 cornerstones represented in the graphic above. This is how I engage what I call The Flywheel of Digital Marketing Success. It applies to all marketing initiatives, big and small, B2C & B2B.
Renowned investor, venture capitalist, and ex-advisor to Mark Zuckerberg, George McNamee has written a book entitled “Zucked. Waking Up to the Facebook Catastrophe”. He tells the story of how “bad actors have exploited the design of Facebook and other platforms to harm and even kill innocent people”. Perhaps this one statement from the book sums it up: “Facebook has managed to connect 2.2 billion people and drive them apart at the same time.”
If you’re a marketing executive in 2019 (titles abound these days – Chief Marketing Officer, VP Marketing, Chief Growth Officer, Chief Data Officer, Chief Digital Officer, Customer Experience Officer), you’re responsible for driving growth in your company.
Today, you’re faced with a myriad of issues such as digital transformation, privacy, ad fraud, ad blockers, multi-device behavior, high-demand, always-on customers… On top of that, the sheer volume of digital noise that people are exposed to by millions of brands makes the challenge much more complex. The traditional 4 Ps ain’t going to cut it anymore. A new way of thinking is in order. We need a new set of 4 Ps.
In a previous article, I talked about how we could approach marketing a luxury good-type product that falls in the lower left quadrant. Let’s revisit the Need/Frequency Matrix and look at the opposite side. The top right quadrant.
A Need/Frequency matrix can be super-useful when planning our marketing strategy. By plotting products and services on the matrix, we can identify the nuances of our marketing funnel and tweak the plan accordingly.
As we approach the New Year, look out for the customary flood of posts talking about industry predictions for 2019!
This is my contribution; a list of the hot marketing tactics on my radar for 2019.
This is an abbreviated summary of my professional story. My formative years were truly invaluable and set me up for the subsequent journey I was to take.