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An Ode to Omnichannel

Omnichannel has always been a top priority for marketers but, in the COVID-19 zeitgeist, it’s now more important than ever because screen time has gone up immensely. What is omnichannel anyway? Let’s first talk about what it’s not. Omnichannel does not just mean doing multichannel marketing. Just because you’re doing Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, TV, Email and Tik Tok, doesn’t mean you’re doing omnichannel.

It does mean orchestrating your marketing across all of your channels so that you’re telling a cohesive story. The key to achieving this is paying close attention to the screens on which your audience is viewing your messages.

One of the ways to make your omnichannel strategy more effective is to think of your marketing messaging as a movie 🎬. You wouldn’t drop someone midway through the movie and expect them to make sense of the plot. Nor would you make someone who has watched all but the final scene start watching from the beginning. 

Good marketing is like a movie or a story that has a sequence of messages that make up the beginning, the middle and the end.  When you show your ‘marketing movie’ to your audience, don’t forget where they are in the sequence. If they’ve already seen Part 2, the next thing they see should be Part 3 – not Part 1 or Part 4 (or Part 2 again). And don’t forget, they could be switching from device to device, screen to screen as they watch. 🍿

Connect all your marketing channels with data and let the movie play out seamlessly to your viewers!

Therein lies the magic to accelerating customer acquisition and boosting customer retention via omnichannel!